Parshas Tetzaveh -- 7 Adar, 5771 / February 11, 2011 -- Vol. 2, Issue 10
My wife Ettie and I compliment each other well, and it is in large part due to our differences. I tend to be quite calculated and like to plan my schedule in advance. Ettie, on the other hand, is more spontaneous and adventurous. It isn’t uncommon for Ettie to come up with more than five ideas in less than a span of a few minutes and be prepared to act on each and every one of them.
So it came as a shock to both of us when after discussing the idea of possibly going to New York on vacation, that I made a quick decision less than an hour before Shabbos and booked our flight on Monday! I was uncharacteristically cool, calm, and collected, while Ettie was unexpectedly nervous and a little overwhelmed. Talk about a role reversal in every sense of the word! What is it about being spontaneous that is so exciting for some, yet so daunting for others? Why is planning and scheduling relaxing for many but annoying and boring for others?
In this week’s parsha, Tetzaveh, we learn all about the different garments that the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) would wear. We each have different ways in which we clothe ourselves and in which we feel comfortable. However, it is important that we not be afraid to step out of our comfort zone and take on garments that we might be hesitant to wear. Why is this so important, one might think? What’s wrong with my being happy in the way I am and what is the rush to stretch myself?
The ability to step outside of our box is extremely valuable. Firstly, it teaches us to have empathy and gain a greater understanding when interacting with others. Secondly, it teaches us the virtue of patience when things don’t go exactly as we had planned. What are the advantages of spontaneity versus planning? With planning, one can relax as everything has been organized and it alleviates last minute pressures. Spontaneity has its advantage in that one is ready to change plans at the drop of a hat to embrace a once in a life time opportunity.
The Kohel Gadol had to dress in a precise manner, and if one item was out of place he wasn’t complete. He had to have tremendous patience as he slowly prepared for his service. Though there was a strict routine he followed, still he had to be open to working with others, as he was dependent on them to assist him in delicately putting on the holy vestments. Being a member of a team requires a combination of spontaneity and structure, as we must be individually prepared for our duties and responsibilities, as well as accepting of others skills and attributes.
So important is the Kohen Gadol’s attire that nearly the entire Torah portion is dedicated to explaining it. There was a specific sequence in which the Kohen Gadol got dressed and it took a great deal of time. He put on the robe, tunic, turban, sash, ephod (apron), belt, breastplate, and tzitz (head-plate). Not only were the individual items of clothing crucial, but the order they were put on were just as important. For those people who wear button down shirts, getting dressed inherently involves a degree of patience. Ever try buttoning all the buttons at once? It’s impossible, it can’t be done.
In this week’s parsha, Hashem is teaching us the important lesson of living life as a journey, and not solely a final destination. As it says in Koheles , “Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven.” All good things in life take persistence, patience, and a delicate balance of spontaneity and planning. After all, the Beis HaMikdash wasn’t built in a day.
So it came as a shock to both of us when after discussing the idea of possibly going to New York on vacation, that I made a quick decision less than an hour before Shabbos and booked our flight on Monday! I was uncharacteristically cool, calm, and collected, while Ettie was unexpectedly nervous and a little overwhelmed. Talk about a role reversal in every sense of the word! What is it about being spontaneous that is so exciting for some, yet so daunting for others? Why is planning and scheduling relaxing for many but annoying and boring for others?
In this week’s parsha, Tetzaveh, we learn all about the different garments that the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) would wear. We each have different ways in which we clothe ourselves and in which we feel comfortable. However, it is important that we not be afraid to step out of our comfort zone and take on garments that we might be hesitant to wear. Why is this so important, one might think? What’s wrong with my being happy in the way I am and what is the rush to stretch myself?
The ability to step outside of our box is extremely valuable. Firstly, it teaches us to have empathy and gain a greater understanding when interacting with others. Secondly, it teaches us the virtue of patience when things don’t go exactly as we had planned. What are the advantages of spontaneity versus planning? With planning, one can relax as everything has been organized and it alleviates last minute pressures. Spontaneity has its advantage in that one is ready to change plans at the drop of a hat to embrace a once in a life time opportunity.
The Kohel Gadol had to dress in a precise manner, and if one item was out of place he wasn’t complete. He had to have tremendous patience as he slowly prepared for his service. Though there was a strict routine he followed, still he had to be open to working with others, as he was dependent on them to assist him in delicately putting on the holy vestments. Being a member of a team requires a combination of spontaneity and structure, as we must be individually prepared for our duties and responsibilities, as well as accepting of others skills and attributes.
So important is the Kohen Gadol’s attire that nearly the entire Torah portion is dedicated to explaining it. There was a specific sequence in which the Kohen Gadol got dressed and it took a great deal of time. He put on the robe, tunic, turban, sash, ephod (apron), belt, breastplate, and tzitz (head-plate). Not only were the individual items of clothing crucial, but the order they were put on were just as important. For those people who wear button down shirts, getting dressed inherently involves a degree of patience. Ever try buttoning all the buttons at once? It’s impossible, it can’t be done.
In this week’s parsha, Hashem is teaching us the important lesson of living life as a journey, and not solely a final destination. As it says in Koheles , “Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven.” All good things in life take persistence, patience, and a delicate balance of spontaneity and planning. After all, the Beis HaMikdash wasn’t built in a day.
Parshas Tetzaveh: Baggage Restrictions
Flying today is a far cry from what it was a few years ago, pre-‘war on terrorism’ age. It seems that every day a new security measure is introduced. First it was taking off your shoes to go through security, and then it was your belt. Laptops have to be taken out of their bag and absolutely no vegetation of any kind is allowed through the border.
Then there are the fees involved in traveling. There’s the regular state and federal tax of course, but then there is also the fuel surcharge, the 9/11 tax, and a few other hidden dollars that somehow get added to the total ticket price. However, there are other changes as well. One of the most cumbersome; baggage regulations.
I remember not too long ago being able to take two bags, each weighing 72lbs on every flight. These days, you are lucky if you can bring one suitcase aboard and not have to pay for it. Imagine, having to pay to bring your belongings with you on the plane; simply unbelievable. They have the space on the plane, so why the Napoleonic rules surrounding baggage?
Once you have paid for your bag, there is always the worry that it will be overweight. Then you have two choices, either leave some of your precious belongings right there at the check-in counter, or pay the astronomical cost of $20.00 dollars for every ounce over the limit. That may be a slight exaggeration, but in all seriousness, what does it matter if you’re bag weighs 2lbs more than it should? Often the person in front of you only used half of their baggage allowance anyway, so can’t you use some of the weight that they didn’t use?
Maybe there is something to learn from the strict regulations surrounding baggage weight restrictions.
In life, we all carry with us a suitcase in which we pack various parts of our lives. One by one we place inside our luggage: childhood memories, positive experiences, negative encounters, happy occasions, stressful moments, joyous celebrations, difficult challenges, and more. On our journey we take this suitcase with us, and the more we place inside, the heavier it becomes. At points it can become so heavy, that we just can’t carry it anymore. It is then that we have to reevaluate our reason for traveling, consider our final destination, sort through our belongings and identify which items we want to truly take with us, and which ones we no longer need to hold on to.
Everything in our life has its purpose, its time, its place. Even difficult periods are a chance for us to mold ourselves and develop our character. What about the bitter moments? When we have reason to be hurt or angry with another? We think to ourselves, they can’t treat me like that! What right do they have? We may even decide not to interact with that person anymore!
But where does this leave us and our suitcase? Does this allow us to travel lighter or does it slow us down?
Why is it that in this week’s parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu’s name is not mentioned even once? After the Jewish people erred by creating the golden calf Hashem said he was going to wipe out the entire Jewish nation. However, Moshe stood before Hashem and put his own life on the line in order to save the Jewish people.
In next week’s parsha, Ki Sisa, Moshe tells G-d that if He does not forgive the Jewish people that G-d should erase Moshe’s name from the Torah. Everything that a Tzaddik says reverberates in the heavens and must come true in one form or another. Therefore, though Hashem did indeed forgive B’nei Yisrael, He had no choice but to remove Moshe’s name from the Torah and He did so in this week’s parsha.
Why would Hashem forgive the Jewish people? If Hashem wished, He could have created a new nation from Moshe who would be far superior to the Jews. In fact, if Hashem wanted He could create a race of individuals who never made mistakes and were perfect in every way.
However, this is not the purpose of creation and not what Hashem intended. Hashem wants that the Jewish people should have free choice which they can use to make a dwelling place for holiness in this world. But, with free choice comes the opportunity to make mistakes. In fact, it’s our ability to make mistakes and recover from them that makes us perfect for the job that Hashem has given us! The mission to make this physical world holy, and bring the ultimate redemption through the coming of Moshiach.
Moshe went to great lengths for our benefit. Additionally, Hashem found it within Himself to forgive the Jewish people, and this can be a most profound lesson for us. When someone does something that upsets us rather than holding on to that experience and putting it in our suitcase to take with us, instead place it aside and leave it behind.
The most powerful tool we hold is the ability to forgive, not only others but ourselves as well.
This gives true meaning to the saying ‘carrying a grudge’. The more one carries, the more bogged down and weighted they become. Just like at the airport there is a limit to how much we can carry with us. Some experiences we have to reflect on, learn from, and let go. In this way we not only lighten our load, but make our journey more enjoyable.
Then there are the fees involved in traveling. There’s the regular state and federal tax of course, but then there is also the fuel surcharge, the 9/11 tax, and a few other hidden dollars that somehow get added to the total ticket price. However, there are other changes as well. One of the most cumbersome; baggage regulations.
I remember not too long ago being able to take two bags, each weighing 72lbs on every flight. These days, you are lucky if you can bring one suitcase aboard and not have to pay for it. Imagine, having to pay to bring your belongings with you on the plane; simply unbelievable. They have the space on the plane, so why the Napoleonic rules surrounding baggage?
Once you have paid for your bag, there is always the worry that it will be overweight. Then you have two choices, either leave some of your precious belongings right there at the check-in counter, or pay the astronomical cost of $20.00 dollars for every ounce over the limit. That may be a slight exaggeration, but in all seriousness, what does it matter if you’re bag weighs 2lbs more than it should? Often the person in front of you only used half of their baggage allowance anyway, so can’t you use some of the weight that they didn’t use?
Maybe there is something to learn from the strict regulations surrounding baggage weight restrictions.
In life, we all carry with us a suitcase in which we pack various parts of our lives. One by one we place inside our luggage: childhood memories, positive experiences, negative encounters, happy occasions, stressful moments, joyous celebrations, difficult challenges, and more. On our journey we take this suitcase with us, and the more we place inside, the heavier it becomes. At points it can become so heavy, that we just can’t carry it anymore. It is then that we have to reevaluate our reason for traveling, consider our final destination, sort through our belongings and identify which items we want to truly take with us, and which ones we no longer need to hold on to.
Everything in our life has its purpose, its time, its place. Even difficult periods are a chance for us to mold ourselves and develop our character. What about the bitter moments? When we have reason to be hurt or angry with another? We think to ourselves, they can’t treat me like that! What right do they have? We may even decide not to interact with that person anymore!
But where does this leave us and our suitcase? Does this allow us to travel lighter or does it slow us down?
Why is it that in this week’s parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu’s name is not mentioned even once? After the Jewish people erred by creating the golden calf Hashem said he was going to wipe out the entire Jewish nation. However, Moshe stood before Hashem and put his own life on the line in order to save the Jewish people.
In next week’s parsha, Ki Sisa, Moshe tells G-d that if He does not forgive the Jewish people that G-d should erase Moshe’s name from the Torah. Everything that a Tzaddik says reverberates in the heavens and must come true in one form or another. Therefore, though Hashem did indeed forgive B’nei Yisrael, He had no choice but to remove Moshe’s name from the Torah and He did so in this week’s parsha.
Why would Hashem forgive the Jewish people? If Hashem wished, He could have created a new nation from Moshe who would be far superior to the Jews. In fact, if Hashem wanted He could create a race of individuals who never made mistakes and were perfect in every way.
However, this is not the purpose of creation and not what Hashem intended. Hashem wants that the Jewish people should have free choice which they can use to make a dwelling place for holiness in this world. But, with free choice comes the opportunity to make mistakes. In fact, it’s our ability to make mistakes and recover from them that makes us perfect for the job that Hashem has given us! The mission to make this physical world holy, and bring the ultimate redemption through the coming of Moshiach.
Moshe went to great lengths for our benefit. Additionally, Hashem found it within Himself to forgive the Jewish people, and this can be a most profound lesson for us. When someone does something that upsets us rather than holding on to that experience and putting it in our suitcase to take with us, instead place it aside and leave it behind.
The most powerful tool we hold is the ability to forgive, not only others but ourselves as well.
This gives true meaning to the saying ‘carrying a grudge’. The more one carries, the more bogged down and weighted they become. Just like at the airport there is a limit to how much we can carry with us. Some experiences we have to reflect on, learn from, and let go. In this way we not only lighten our load, but make our journey more enjoyable.