Then I was at the local supermarket and there was a sale on cereal. Buy two boxes of Cheerios and get a Super Family Sized box for half price. The last time I was at the mechanic for an oil change I had the option of the "super deluxe package" which included not only an oil change but a slew of other bells and whistles I couldn't appreciate and would never know the difference if I got it or not.
And so we are living in a world where the norm is no longer enough; we need super. The question is in which areas is super really necessary? What if instead of supersizing physical and material things, we supersized more important things in life? What if we supersized our faith, supersized our spiritual endeavours, supersized our commitment to our families, and even supersized our kind acts and interactions with others? Can you imagine what the world might be like. Someone would ask you to help them jump start their car and you would say, "Sure I can help you. Did you want that help supersized? Not only can I help you get started I can stick around to make sure you are well on your way!"
In this week's Torah portion, Nitzavim-Vayelech, all of the Jewish people are gathered together before Moshe. The water carriers, young people, men and women, elders, everyone. Why? Because the unity of the Jewish people is imperative. Above everything else, not only do we need to stand before Hashem, we need to do it together, in unity. As the last Shabbos before the new year, don't just have a regular Shabbos; supersize your Shabbos. Soak in the spirituality and unique blessing that Shabbos brings and ready yourself for a supersized year!